Saturday 18 February 2012

Skincare tips : How to eliminate scar and oily skin.

These are few tips for you to have smooth and flawless skin. :)

1. Add a teaspoon of honey with lemon and spread it all over your face before you sleep. It is a bit sticky but you'll get wonderful result when you wake up in the morning. I've been using this tip and it helps me to reduce blemishes when i wake up every single morning :)

2. Use specific towel for your face since it can reduce the amount of 'bacteria' which can spread easily by contact with unclean stuff. Other than that, don't forget to change your bed sheet and pillow case regularly.

3. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. This will help to eliminate toxin in your body which will affect your skin. This tips will also keep your body healthy and help u in reducing weight as well. :)

4. DON'T sleep without cleaning your make up. The make up will definitely accumulate dirts and it is hard for your skin to 'breath'.

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